Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP

Keep Your Data Safe When Working from Home

By Nathaniel C. Gravel, CISA, CISM, CRISC The second week of January has been designated as National Home Office Safety & Security Week. But keeping your computer, network and files secure while working remotely is a 24/7/365 task. Here are eight important steps to take to help ensure your “home work” is not compromised by […]

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Encourage Legacy Gifts to Your Nonprofit

If your not-for-profit focuses most of its fundraising energy on donors who can contribute to your mission and programs now, you may have neglected legacy gifts. Such gifts represent a portion of wealthy donors’ estates that go to your organization on their death. Legacy gifts can help position your nonprofit for sustained growth well into the

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No Relief: R&D Expenses Must Be Amortized

The $1.7 trillion federal omnibus spending package that was signed by President Biden on Friday, December 23 did not include a provision to reverse the recently enacted requirement that businesses amortize their R&D expenses. This was despite industry pressure for an extension or removal of the requirement to begin amortizing R&D expenditures, which went into

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All Aboard: Recruiting New Nonprofit Board Members

Does your not-for-profit need to replace a departing board director — or add directors to better handle your growing organization’s governance work? Choose carefully, because although a well-qualified, enthusiastic board addition can help infuse the group with energy and fresh ideas, an unqualified one can create conflict and other problems. Here’s how a nonprofit board should

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Solar Tax Credits Expanded and Extended

The Inflation Reduction Act that became law in August included a provision that increases, expands, and extends the investment tax credit (ITC) for solar photovoltaic systems installed on residential properties. The law restores the 30% tax credit that was previously available for systems installed prior to 2020 and is applicable to qualifying installations completed between

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How Might the “Millionaire’s Tax” Impact You?

On November 8 voters in Massachusetts narrowly approved a constitutional amendment authorizing an additional personal income tax of 4 percent on all annual income above a $1 million threshold. While similar amendments have been proposed and voted on in prior years, this is the first time the measure has passed. Proponents estimate the new tax,

How Might the “Millionaire’s Tax” Impact You? Read More »

Press Release

Gray, Gray & Gray to Host Year End Planning Seminar

Canton, MA (November 4, 2022):  Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP, one of the country’s leading consulting, accounting and business advisory firms, will host “Building a Winning Business Strategy,” a year-end planning seminar for businesses and individuals. The seminar will be held on Thursday, December 1, 2022, from 8 am – Noon at the firm’s offices

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