Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP


Planning Your Response to a Cyberattack

By Nathaniel C. Gravel, CISA, CISM, CRISC I spend my working hours doing all that I can to help clients avoid becoming a cyberattack victim. Layered defenses, penetration testing, constant monitoring, employee training, multi-factor authentication, “red team” simulated phishing – we use all the tools in our bag to identify and deter “bad actors” from […]

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Cyber Attacks Could Pose Threat to Materials Integrity

By Nathaniel C. Gravel, CISA, CISM, CRISC Forget ransomware. The latest cybersecurity threat could compromise the integrity of construction materials, creating the danger of structural collapse. According to an article on the Cybersecurity Dive website, online programs and automated systems used to control the manufacture and testing of construction materials have become targets for cyberattack.

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What Inflation Means for Your Company’s Operating Expenses Webinar Recording The after-effects of COVID on our economic state are far reaching with the rise in inflation. For propane and fuel oil marketers, these challenges are compounded by rising costs of global fuel prices due to reductions in production and disruption of the Russian/Ukraine conflict. Many are left wondering how to remain competitive in the

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What Inflation Means for Your Company’s Operating Expenses Webinar Recording Access

The after-effects of COVID on our economic state are far reaching with the rise in inflation. For propane and fuel oil marketers, these challenges are compounded by rising costs of global fuel prices due to reductions in production and disruption of the Russian/Ukraine conflict. Many are left wondering how to remain competitive in the marketplace

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Big Changes to “Limited Scope” Audits

The Auditing Standards Board (ASB) of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) changed the audit standards applicable to audits of financial statements of employee benefit plans subject to ERISA. These standards impact what is currently known as “limited scope audits.” Now, the limited scope audit will no longer be an option, but will

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Press Release

Gray, Gray & Gray Launches 2022 Energy Industry Survey

Canton, MA  (April 11, 2022):  Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP, a consulting and accounting firm serving the fuel oil and propane industry, has opened its 2022 annual Energy Industry and Propane Surveys. This is the firm’s 31st consecutive year of conducting its industry-leading survey of the nation’s energy marketers, and the 6th year for their

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Participate in Gray, Gray & Gray’s 2022 Energy & Propane Industry Survey

2022 Energy and Propane Industry Survey Now Open! Click here to take the survey now Gray, Gray & Gray’s 2022 Annual Energy & Propane Industry Survey is here! As we launch our 31st annual Energy Industry Survey, we reflect on the past three decades of assisting companies by providing key benchmarking data for their

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Choosing a Retirement Plan for Your Nonprofit

Traditionally, 403(b) plans have been the qualified retirement plan of choice for not-for-profits. These plans were established for the exclusive benefit of tax-exempt organizations. However, nonprofits now have other options as well. Even if you continue to prefer a 403(b) plan, as many nonprofits still do, it pays to review and weigh the benefits of other

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