Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP


Mileage Deduction Rates Rise for 2022

With travel for business purposes rebounding as pandemic restrictions are eased, it is good to know that you will be able to deduct a little more for your automobile mileage in 2022. The standard mileage rate for 2022 will be 58.5 cents per mile, an increase of 2.5 cents per mile over the 2021 rate.

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Don’t Run Afoul of Private Inurement Rules

Most not-for-profit executives are aware of the prohibition against private inurement. Generally, nonprofit directors and executives — and their family members — aren’t allowed to personally benefit from their positions while putting their organization at a disadvantage. Penalties for violating the private inurement mandate could include financial sanctions for violators and, in the rare worst-case scenario,

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Press Release

Gray, Gray & Gray Sponsors Smart Business Dealmakers Boston Conference

Canton, MA (December 1, 2021):  Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP (, a consulting, business advisory, and certified public accounting firm based in Canton, MA, is a co-sponsor of the January Smart Business Dealmakers Boston Conference, a virtual event to be held on January 20, 2022. The Conference connects thousands of local dealmakers, from middle-market CEOs to

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Infrastructure Bill and Propane Video The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act includes $7 billion in propane-related initiatives. Watch this quick video to learn how this infrastructure act could provide new or expanded opportunities for your propane business. Want to know more? Also, be sure to read our recent article on Infrastructure Act includes $7 Billion for Propane for more

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Why Every Non Profit Needs a WISP

By Bobby Garrett Director of IT & Cybersecurity Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP Did you know the first recorded ransomware cyber attack was targeted at a non-profit organization? In 1989, over 20,000 attendees of a World Health Organization (WHO) symposium on AIDS research received a complimentary floppy disc containing a file supposedly related to the

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IRS Clarifies Rules on Excess Compensation Tax

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is an often-overlooked crackdown on seven-figure compensation amounts paid to the highest earners. Essentially, beginning in 2018, your not-for-profit organization could be charged a hefty excise tax if it pays more than $1 million to certain “covered” employees. The IRS issued final regulations in early 2021 that generally mirror

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