Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP


A Tax Law Benefit for Architects and Engineers

By Martin E. PrendergastGray, Gray & Gray, LLP The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 included several provisions lowering tax rates for both C Corps and many pass-through entities such as S Corps, LLCs, partnerships, and sole proprietors. C Corps received a drop in their corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. Pass-through entities […]

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Press Release

James Donellon Elected Partner at Gray, Gray & Gray CPAs

Canton, MA (August 16, 2018):  James Donellon, CPA, MSA, has been elected a partner at Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP, a certified public accounting and advisory firm based in Canton, MA. The announcement was made by James DeLeo, Leading Partner of the firm. Donellon joined Gray, Gray & Gray in 2006, and most recently served

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Offshore Cryptocurrency Reporting

Cryptocurrency, including such online currencies like Bitcoin or other “virtual” currencies, are posing their own unique challenges to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and U.S. taxpayers. According to a CNBC report, “Almost every bitcoin or other ‘altcoin’ transaction – mining, spending, trading, exchanging, air drops, etc. – will likely be a taxable event…” Although both

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Why New Customers Chose Sage Intacct Future-proof your business with cloud accounting from Sage Intacct — including gaining flexibility by switching from outdated, limited systems, as well as streamlining financial processes to save time and manage staffing levels. LEARN MORE ABOUT SAGE INTACCT HERE MORE SAGE INTACCT NEWS 7 Reasons to Move to Cloud Financials Now7 Steps to a Faster,

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Is Now the Time to Convert to a Roth IRA?

The reach of the recently enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is far and deep, and even extends into the type of IRA you should consider:  regular or Roth? And if you have a regular IRA, should you convert it to a Roth IRA and when? Keep in mind that an investment in a regular

Is Now the Time to Convert to a Roth IRA? Read More »


How Restaurateurs are Reclaiming Focus on Customer Experiences and Getting Their Time Back

Every restaurant owner and manager on the planet wants to improve customer experiences, strategize growth and enjoy their family and friends. They just don’t have the time!Outsourced accounting is enabling hard-working restaurateurs to focus on what matters, not on the books. This article will help you learn how to: Solve the challenge of hiring and

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Make Sure Your Licensees are Paying Their Royalties

By Kevin F. Howley, CPAGray, Gray & Gray, LLP Royalty payments from the licensing of intellectual property can be a significant source of revenue for a business. But not all licensees keep up to date with their royalty payments, and others may pay a lower amount than required by their agreement. Which is why a

Make Sure Your Licensees are Paying Their Royalties Read More »

GGG Slider

Virtual Learning Course – Track 106: Bridging the Gap – Understanding Generations at the Firm Differences make us stronger, but they can also cause workplace tension between generations. We will define the 5 generations in the workplace, identify challenges, and develop strategies for communicating with each.  Whether we are working with each other or with our clients, overcoming the generation gap will improve communication, respect and productivity. *Recommended for

Virtual Learning Course – Track 106: Bridging the Gap – Understanding Generations at the Firm Read More »

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