Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP

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Virtual Learning Course – Track 208: Transitioning from Generalist to Specialist We know that the firm of the future will be comprised of specialty services and verticals that command the highest margins.  But, many accounting professionals start their career in generalist roles.  In fact, most entry-level positions fall under this category — it’s hard to be considered a specialist in anything when you don’t yet […]

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Virtual Learning Course – Track 211: Emotional Intelligence Research shows convincingly that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is more important than IQ in almost every role and substantially more important in leadership roles.   EQ involves a set of skills that define how effectively you perceive, understand, reason with and manage your own and others’ feelings. These skills are important at work, as emotions are

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Virtual Learning Course – Track 206: The Art of Project Management One of the greatest challenges in managing projects is how to structure resources for the most effective and efficient accomplishment of firm objectives.  Additionally, successful project management relies heavily on competent delegation.  This course will provide you with project management tools designed to help you keep projects on track even during the toughest, most

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The Hidden Threat of New Partnership Audit Rules

By Michael D. Koppel, CPA, PFS, CITP, MBARetired Partner at Gray, Gray & Gray, LLPWhile attention is focused on the major new tax law that has recently emerged from Congress, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is ready to implement changes in the way partnerships are audited. The “Centralized Partnership Audit” program was authorized by Congress

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“Trust, But Verify” When Lending Money

By Brian Jacobson, CPAGray, Gray & Gray, LLP “Trust, but verify.” President Ronald Reagan’s sage advice about arms negotiations is also appropriate when lending money or investing capital. If you are a lender or venture capital firm, it is incumbent on you to discover the facts about the ability of a borrower to pay back

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The Value of an Efficient Business

The Value of an Efficient BusinessWhen selling a business, people often woo buyers with hard numbers such as cash flow, customer count, inventory, and tangible assets. Or they tout the benefits of an experienced management team, distinctive products, or a strong brand. One important factor that is frequently overlooked is efficiency.Maximizing efficiency in business operations

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