Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP


Will Debt Spoil Too Many Retirements?

Will Debt Spoil Too Many Retirements?What pre-retirees owe could compromise their future quality of life.Presented by Gray Equity Management, LLC The key points of retirement planning are easily stated. Start saving and investing early in life. Save and invest consistently. Avoid drawing down your savings along the way. Another possible point for that list: pay

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Money Habits That May Help You Become Wealthier

Money Habits That May Help You Become WealthierFinancially speaking, what do some households do right?Presented by Gray Equity Management, LLC Why do some households tread water financially while others make progress? Does it come down to habits? Sometimes the difference starts there. A household that prioritizes paying itself first may end up in much better

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Changes to Lease Accounting Proving to Be More Complex Than Anticipated

The deadline to implement major changes in the way leases are treated for accounting purposes may appear to be well in the future:  late 2019 for publicly traded companies, and January 1, 2020 for privately held companies and non-profits. But accounting professionals are discovering that the work necessary to make the transition is significantly more

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Landmark Case on Fiduciary Role in 401(k) Plans

On August 16, after a nearly ten year journey through the courts, the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California reversed an earlier decision on a landmark case and ruled that plan fiduciaries continue to have responsibility for employee benefit plans (such as 401(k) plans) even after initial investment decisions have been made.

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GGG Slider

Virtual Learning Course – Track 207: Alleviating the Fear & Horror of Public Speaking Statistics show that 75% of the population is afraid of public speaking.  But there are ways to break down the barriers of fear and horror so it doesn’t hold you back in your career.  This session will arm attendees with tips, tricks and best practices for public speaking as well as how to be

Virtual Learning Course – Track 207: Alleviating the Fear & Horror of Public Speaking Read More »

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