Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP


What is an IC-DISC and How Could It Save You Tax Dollars?

By Derek B. Rawls, CPA, MSTGray, Gray & Gray, LLP American companies exporting goods – and certain services – may be able to enjoy significant federal income tax savings through a little-known instrument known as an interest charge domestic international sales corporation (IC-DISC). You do not need to be a huge exporter to take advantage […]

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Tell Your Beneficiaries About Your Accounts and Policies

Let them know how they will receive retirement assets and insurance benefits.Presented by Gray Equity Management, LLC Will your heirs receive a fair share of your wealth? Will your invested assets go where you want them to when you die? If you have a proper will or estate plan in place, you will likely answer

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Having an Investment Policy Statement is… a Good Policy!

By Michael Cecere, CPAGray, Gray & Gray, LLP Do you know how your money is being invested? Or, if you are the one responsible for managing an investment portfolio, what assurance are you giving your clients that their money is being invested as they would wish? If you can’t answer these questions, you probably do

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What’s the "Walk-Away" Price and How Do I Determine It?

Before starting M&A negotiations, both buyers and sellers can benefit from setting a “walk-away price.” Consider it a safeguard measure. An amount below (for sellers) or above (for buyers) the walk-away price signals the end of merger negotiations. For sellers, anything below the walk-away price grossly undervalues the company’s assets and earnings, and suggests that

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Real Estate Tax Accounting May Never Be the Same

By Michael D. Koppel, CPA, PFS, CITP, MBARetired Partner at Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP Recently there have been significant changes in the tax treatment of capitalization and expensing of real estate.  While the new rules are complex, it is important for all businesses owning real estate to understand the tax options now available. The

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