Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP


The Latest “Spoofing” Scam Appears to Come from the Corner Office

That email from the boss asking for personal data on employees could be a fraudulent attempt to steal their identities. That’s the warning from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on the latest online “spoofing” scam to rear its ugly head. The IRS issued an alert to human resources and payroll professionals to warn them about […]

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Why Buyers Need to Pay Attention to Employee Benefits

Employee benefits can be critical to the success of an M&A deal’s integration phase. If handled poorly, the process of transferring and restructuring benefits might alienate key employees — and even expose buyers to legal claims. To avoid such consequences, review your target company’s current benefits package before the deal closes. In particular, keep an

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Press Release

WealthMgmtPressRelease template

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About GEM

GRAY EQUITY MANAGEMENT, LLC PROVIDES WEALTH MANAGEMENT SERVICES THAT CAN HELP YOU KEEP THE PROMISES YOU MAKE TO YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY, FOR NOW AND IN THE FUTURE. About Gray Equity Management With achievement comes responsibility, and your financial success brings with it obligations, both external and self-imposed. You have made promises to yourself, to

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Investors Must Watch Out for Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

By Martin E. Landry, CFA, CFP, CAIA, CIMA, CIPM, AIFPortfolio ManagerPresented by Gray Equity Management, LLC When fear and uncertainty find their way into headlines, investors should ignore the herd and “stay the course.”  Stock markets around the world rang in the new year with an old-fashioned selloff last week. In the U.S., the S&P

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