

How Much Should You Pay Family Members?

By Kelly MonestimeGray, Gray & Gray, LLP  Many McDonald’s franchises are family-owned businesses. The dynamics of a family business can be very different from those in a non-family corporation. Personal history, differences in personality and emotions that can be dismissed in a corporate setting can take center stage when the company is family-owned. There is

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Has Your Succession Plan Kept Up With Your Success?

By C. Joseph Ciccarello, CPA, MSTManaging PartnerGray, Gray & Gray, LLP If you have built a flourishing chain of businesses over the years, your life has no doubt been focused on operational and financial issues related to the business. But it is essential that you also pay attention to your personal finances. In particular, you

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The Return of Printed Social Security Statements

By Daniel C. Romano, CPA, PFS Partner at Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP Back in 2011, the federal government, in an effort to save money, stopped printing and mailing annual Social Security benefit estimate statements.  Those paying into the program could still get their estimated benefits information online, but relatively few taxpayers registered.  Last year

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