

Protecting Your Firm’s Most Valuable Asset: Its People

By Richard A. Hirschen, CPA, CGMAGray, Gray & Gray, LLP The federal government recently announced that the nationwide unemployment rate dropped to 5% in October, the lowest it has been since 2008. Professions like architecture, engineering and design are not immune to the effects of the tightening pool of workers. Not only is it more […]

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Accounting for Marketing Expenses in Overhead Rate Calculations

By Richard Hirschen, CPA, CGMAGray, Gray & Gray, LLP Every year architectural and engineering firms spend money – lots of money – trying to generate new business and new projects. Your firm’s investment in marketing can run the gamut from advertising and direct mail, to a website and public relations, to entering design competitions in

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Tax Court Revs Up Deductions for Promotional Expenses

It is important for to keep your company’s name consistently in front of the public, particularly in a competitive business environment. It can be helpful to be innovative in your marketing and promotional techniques, but where do you draw the line? In a recent case, the Tax Court upheld more than $160,000 in deductions over

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Construction Workers & Contractors Beware: Audit Proof Travel and Entertainment Deductions

Unlike business people in most other walks of life, contractors and construction workers typically work at several sites during the year, while maintaining a home base. If you work in the industry, you are frequently out in the field or taking meetings with customers, incurring substantial travel and entertainment (T&E) expenses. Of course, qualified T&E expenses are

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How Much Should You Pay Family Members?

By Kelly MonestimeGray, Gray & Gray, LLP  Many McDonald’s franchises are family-owned businesses. The dynamics of a family business can be very different from those in a non-family corporation. Personal history, differences in personality and emotions that can be dismissed in a corporate setting can take center stage when the company is family-owned. There is

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Has Your Succession Plan Kept Up With Your Success?

By C. Joseph Ciccarello, CPA, MSTManaging PartnerGray, Gray & Gray, LLP If you have built a flourishing chain of businesses over the years, your life has no doubt been focused on operational and financial issues related to the business. But it is essential that you also pay attention to your personal finances. In particular, you

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