

The Return of Printed Social Security Statements

By Daniel C. Romano, CPA, PFS Partner at Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP Back in 2011, the federal government, in an effort to save money, stopped printing and mailing annual Social Security benefit estimate statements.  Those paying into the program could still get their estimated benefits information online, but relatively few taxpayers registered.  Last year […]

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Government Heightens Emphasis on Worker Classification

by Michael D. Koppel, CPA, PFS, CITP, MBAOriginal Article Published in the AICPA “Tax Adviser” Newsletter on December 1, 2013 Worker classification has been a major concern for businesses for many years. Reasons a business would prefer independent contractor status include avoiding the payment of payroll taxes, and eliminating the need of providing employee benefits

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Applying Obamacare to Employer-Funded Health Benefit Plans

If your company offers its employees Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA), reimbursed group health plans, or health Flexible Spending Arrangements (FSA), you’ll need to pay careful attention to how these benefits will be treated under the Affordable Health Care Act. Recently the U.S. Department of Labor issued Technical Release 2013-03 to provide guidance on the application of certain

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So What Exactly Is "Affordable" Health Care Insurance?

By Michael D. Koppel, CPA, MBA, MSA, PFS, CITPGray, Gray & Gray, LLPAugust 2013 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), more commonly called “Obamacare,” requires large employers to provide qualified health insurance for their full-time employees. Among other rules, the health insurance which is provided must be affordable for the employee. “Large” employers

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