

Top 10 Reasons for a Business Valuation

By Richard P. Feilteau, CPA, CVA How much is your business worth? That is not a speculative question, or one that should be answered with a “ballpark” guess. Attaching an accurate valuation to a company is a critical part of ongoing business strategy. Exit Strategy Planning. If you are planning to sell your business it

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What is Cloud Accounting and Why Do I Need It for My Business?

By Paul J. Gerry, Jr., CPA, PFS It is hard to believe the Internet is barely 20 years old. Yet in just two decades the Internet has dramatically changed the way we communicate, travel, shop and conduct business. What used to take days or weeks to accomplish can now be done in real time. Nowhere

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What Tax Changes Can We Expect from President Trump?

The unexpected victory of Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election has experts scrambling to review his proposed changes to the federal tax laws. While nobody can predict with complete accuracy what adjustments Trump will attempt to make as President, or what Congress will agree to consider, a look at some of the ideas he

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Before You Hand Out Those Holiday Turkeys…

With the holiday season rapidly approaching, now is the time many employers are addressing any seasonal gifts or bonuses they will be giving employees. You should be aware that the type and size of gift you give can affect both the company’s ability to deduct the cost, and the employee’s compensation liability for taxes. Let’s

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Ho, Ho, Hold it! Be Careful How You Deduct those Holiday Gifts

Have you started your holiday shopping yet? If you are a business that promotes itself by giving holiday gifts to clients or vendors, the tax law has some very Grinch-like rules about deducting the cost of the gifts you give during the holidays, or at any other time of year. The IRS publication 463 explains

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New Overtime Rules Challenged in Federal Court

The Department of Labor’s (DOL) new overtime rules that more than doubles the salary threshold to determine who is eligible for overtime pay is being challenged in federal court by 21 states. The new regulations are scheduled to take effect nationwide in December 1, 2016. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Attorneys General in

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