We are pleased to announce the release of this year's Energy & Propane Industry Survey results!
This year, our survey looked at challenges resulting from the Russia/Ukraine conflict and how companies like yours have adapted. Additionally, the data collected this year has again been augmented by financial and operational data developed by Angus Energy, a respected energy services firm.
“Energy and propane dealers were facing pressure from multiple sources during the last heating season, but most saw their way to a successful year,” said Marty Kirshner, CPA, MSA, Partner and Chair of Gray, Gray & Gray’s Energy Practice Group. “Inflation, lingering pandemic restrictions, pricing uncertainty due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, hiring problems – it has been one thing on top of another over the past twelve months. But energy and propane people persevere, they adapt, they manage. Their optimism comes through in our survey results.”
We invite you to download the complete results online today and compare these “industry average” results with the performance of your own business.