
What is SafeSend Gather?

SafeSend Gather helps streamline your tax information collection process while ensuring the highest level of security and confidentiality for your sensitive information. While you are completing your organizer, you can also upload your tax documents and transmit all information electronically to your Gray, Gray & Gray accountant. SafeSend is a user-friendly and efficient, one-stop shop for your electronic tax needs. This FAQ is designed to help answer some questions you may have about sending Gray, Gray & Gray your tax preparation materials and how you will be getting your return.

Is there a charge for using SafeSend?

No. There is no additional charge for using SafeSend to organize your tax preparation materials.

How do I access SafeSend?

You will receive an initial email at the email address Gray, Gray & Gray has on file for you. The email will come from “”. The subject line will be “Please Complete Your 2024 Gather Request for Gray, Gray & Gray LLP“. This email will contain a blue button that says “Let’s Get Started“.  

After accessing the SafeSend Start Page and clicking “Get Started”, you will receive an  Email Access Code. In order to receive the code, click “Request Access Code.” Once selected, a green banner will appear letting you know that your request has been received. When you receive the Access Code by email, enter it in the code field and click “Continue.” If successful, the access code will bring you to the SafeSend Welcome Page where you can complete your Organizer and upload documents.

As a reminder, we do not require that the organizer be signed but rather by submitting the organizer and tax documents, you are agreeing that Gray, Gray & Gray will prepare your return.

How do I know if I am successfully connected to Gray, Gray & Gray?

You should see the Gray, Gray & Gray logo both in the initial SafeSend email and in the top left of your screen in SafeSend.

Can I contact someone at Gray, Gray & Gray through SafeSend?

Yes. In SafeSend, there is a “Need Help” button at the bottom left of your screen allowing you to reach out to a specified contact at Gray, Gray & Gray about any questions you may have about your Organizer.

Please note: if the Organizer was sent to both you and your spouse, please ensure that only one person is editing the Organizer at a time to confirm all edits are saved.

What are source documents?

Certain pages of the Organizer will allow you to upload a corresponding source document to that page. If you do not see this section, you will not be able to upload source documents. In the Bookmark list, icons are added to pages that may require source documents.

Can I provide any notes to Gray, Gray & Gray?

Each page of the Organizer has a Notes to Preparer feature where you can enter any notes that Gray, Gray & Gray will be able to review after submission.

How do I officially complete my SafeSend Gather?

If you are finished completing your Organizer, click “Finish.” You will receive a pop-up notification confirming if your Organizer is complete. Click “Review Missing Information” if you aren’t completed or click “Organizer Complete” if you are done.

Please note: The pop-up notification is different if the Organizer was sent to both you and your spouse. It will include a “Send for Review” button if you would like to send to your spouse to review the Organizer or an “Organizer Complete” button if you are done with your Organizer.

Can I upload multiple documents?

After completing the Organizer, yes you can upload any requested or additional documents.

What file formats does SafeSend support for uploading documents?

SafeSend supports Word, PDF, Excel, PNG, and JPG files.

How do I ensure that all information and documents are sent to Gray, Gray & Gray?

Once all tax source documents have been uploaded, click the “Notify Tax Professional” button to submit.

Who do I contact if I am having trouble with SafeSend?

If you have questions specific to SafeSend, please reach out to Gray, Gray & Gray at

What if I have questions for my Gray, Gray & Gray accountant?

You can contact your Gray, Gray & Gray professional directly via email or call (781) 407-0300.

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