Sage Intacct One Accounting Program to Rule Them All Webinar Recording

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Finding the right technology to ensure accuracy and efficiency in financial management.

In the digital age when timely corporate decisions must be made based on accurate and up-to-date information you need the ability to have the right data at your fingertips. But no matter what industry you are in or how small or large your organization, the flow of financial data can be difficult to manage. If you are experiencing delays, errors, or lags in accessing data, your current tools may not be up to the task. 

You need a single, unified platform that allows you to better manage all aspects of your accounting function. Sage Intacct give you more power, more access, more accuracy, more scalability, and more direct control over essential data and information. Join us for this free, information-only webinar to discover how this more complete accounting platform can solve the issues you have now and problems you may face as your organization grows and expands. You’ll become an accounting wizard with the ability to: 

  • Access on-demand data on a real-time basis
  • Automate manual data entry to avoid duplication and errors
  • Consolidate multiple entities
  • Accelerate your monthly close
  • Move easily and securely to cloud-based accounting
  • Create audit-ready financials
  • Eliminate the need to use Excel and spreadsheets

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